Collection: Dear Person Behind Me Collection

When was the last time you turned around and shared the love of Jesus with the person behind you? Can’t remember? Don’t worry! Our apparel in this collection is the perfect way to say a lot to the person behind you without saying a word.

Spread Some Love

Encourage the people behind you with our Dear Person Behind Me hoodie, crewneck, and tee at Salt and Honey Clothing. The back side of each of these pieces tells others that Jesus sees them and loves them and that you’re praying for them. 

These stunning apparel options are an easy way to make the person behind you feel valued and seen perhaps for the first time today — or ever. They also come in various colors to suit your style and look, ranging from light pink to dark chocolate and even ash. Be the change you want to see in the world around you while simply standing in line at the grocery store, the theme park, or wherever life takes you!

Kickstart a Conversation

At Salt and Honey Clothing, we understand that spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ can feel intimidating. We’re here to change that. Our Jesus apparel is designed to make it easier for you to be light and salt to those around you. We believe our words are powerful, and that’s why we make the words on our clothing — ultimately your words — as sweet as honey.

As a husband-and-wife-owned-and-operated business, we take pride in calling you our family. We’re excited to help you bring more people into the family of Christ, too, by seamlessly sharing the Gospel with them as you go about your day. Start with a Dear Person Behind Me shirt and continue the conversation. Check out our Christian-themed sweatshirts, comfy tees, cozy outerwear, and more today!